Vehicle Analytics
AI-based solution with vehicle detection, tracking and recognition capabilities for smart traffic monitoring
License Plate Recognition
AI-based ALPR product allowing accurate vehicle license plate information extraction from both images and video streams. Our technology allows automatically localization of the license plate on the vehicle. The licence plate informations are then extracted with high accuracy using our SoTA Thai character reading model.
Plate Number

Origin / Province
Plate Color

99.6% accuracy
in a controlled indoor environment
Vehicle Recognition
Advanced AI tools that allow to extract relevant information based on visual features of the vehicle.
Our AI model allows to accurately extract:
Different Classes
Different Colors
Vehicle Counting
Advanced AI solution using multi object tracking technology in order to monitor the number of vehicles passing through the camera field of view
Vehicle Re-ID
AI technology to re-identify a vehicle of interest in video streams. Our Re-ID technology plays a crucial part in tracking the movement of vehicles captured in a single camera or across several cameras.
tested on videos streams from multiple cameras spread out across a city
Over 90% average precision
Management Dashboard
Achieve faster and more efficient traffic management using an intuitive visualization dashboard.